Replica Patek Philippe Extends Warranty to Five Years

When you spend thousands of dollars on a fine luxury replica watch you expect it to work flawlessly for years but that doesn’t always happen. That’s why the quality of service offered by watchmakers can be a deal breaker when it comes time to choosing a timepiece. patek philippe has just made an effort to woo future customers with a longer warranty.

patek philippe will be increasing the warranty and service offered on new watches purchased on or after July 1, 2015 to five years. In addition to the five-year warranty, patek philippe is also offering a new “service interval recommendation” this is extended from three years to 10 years.
This shows that Patek Philippe Replica has confidence in their products and is willing to back them up. Will competitors match these offers? Probably, since a luxury Swiss watch can go for years without maintenance if treated with loving care. Since a patek philippe owner knows that taking his watch in for repairs can run up a tab rivaling that of having a Mercedes serviced, this could give buyers greater peace of mind about their lavish purchase.
Motorola Slashes Price of Moto 360
If you’ve been tempted to try out a smartwatch but have been reluctant to pay big bucks for one, Motorola has a deal for you. The price of the Moto 360 has been cut replica watches by $100 to just $149.99. The hitch is that this smartwatch is likely to become last year’s model very shortly.
That’s less than half the price of the entry level Apple Watch, making this one of the best deals on a smartwatch right now. Rumor has it that a higher-res model is coming fake watches up next but at the moment the Moto 360 is available for $150 at Motorola, Google and Amazon. The metallic band will cost an extra $50.